Recent Projects

When it comes to your business, finding new options to help optimise your service can seem like a challenge in many cases – but this shouldn’t have to be the case. In line with this, our team at IQPARK is proud to offer top-quality solutions for all of your playground equipment needs. 
As such, if you have been looking to invest in new activities and options for your customers and their young children, make sure you take a look at some of our most recent projects to see how we can help take your business to new heights.

What are the Benefits of Investing in Playground Equipment for Businesses? 

There are numerous different reasons that you might want to invest in playground equipment for businesses, and keeping these in mind could help you decide whether this is the right approach for your needs. Better still, since our own playground equipment services are designed to your needs, we can offer a custom service that’s made with you in mind. 

Whatever your plans might be, we can help with – as demonstrated by our amazing range of recent projects, as you can see below.

Some of the main reasons that firms choose to invest in playground equipment with us include the following:

  • Keeps young guests occupied: Children can often get a little bored and irritable when waiting around. As such, a custom-built playground can help keep them occupied and busy, allowing other customers to enjoy a more relaxing shopping experience. 
  • Helps provide a new USP: Having a unique selling point can help set your business apart from the competition. In line with this, opting for a specially designed playground can allow your business to market itself more effectively to its target market.
  • Bolsters the brand’s reputation: Investing in playground equipment can help demonstrate your brand’s focus on young customers, families, and the community as a whole. As such, this can be an excellent opportunity to strengthen your local reputation and appeal.

Custom Solutions, Tailored to Your Business and Branding

One of the great features of our playground equipment service is that we provide fully customised solutions. Thus,  no matter what you might need, our experts can create a specialist solution that’s made with you in mind. This ensures that your new playground equipment ties in comfortably with the business’s current branding while simultaneously delivering high-quality, uncompromising results.

Our Recent Projects

Before you book your own custom playground, making sure you’re happy with the standard of our work is (of course) crucial. Still, we’re confident that you’ll be blown away by the quality to which we create every playground; just a handful of our recent projects include the following, which may give you a little more insight.

Discover How We Can Help Your Business Today

If you’ve discovered some of our stunning recent projects and think that these could be a good fit for your brand, please don’t hesitate to contact us for more help and support. We’ve helped with numerous briefs and can design a stunning playground tailored to your business’s specific requirements, so don’t compromise; contact us with your project, and we’ll help you see how we can bring this to life.

Remember, all of our designs are custom-tailored to your business, so no matter what you’ve been looking for, we can help make it a reality.

business couching consulting template reviewer 2 Recent Projects

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From design, manufacture, and installation


Meet with one of our experts to discuss your project.


We provide a professional design service with our latest technology software to reflect your imagination.


Our experienced team will do the magic and produce children’s new favourite play area.


We try to install the created project in the shortest time possible at the highest quality.


Self Improvement

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Self Awareness

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Life Skills

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What Clients Are Saying

If You Have Any Questions,
Feel Free to Call +44 7831 753783